1. Q: What is a Legal Retainer Plan?

A: Simply put, having a term of lawyers within your reach at all times and anytime.

2. Q: Do you have a Legal Retainer Plan for an Insolvent Business or Bankrupt Person?

A: Yes, it is called the Postpaid Legal Retainer where you pay us after a period of time (Terms and Conditions Apply).

3. Q: How many type of Retainer is obtainable?

A: We have Four (4) major types of Legal Retainer at Livingspring Solicitors, namely:
  1. Private Legal Retainer
  2. Business Legal Retainer, under here we have;
    • Starters Legal Retainer
    • SME Legal Retainer
    • Corporation Legal Retainer
  3. Property Management Legal Retainer, and
  4. The Creditors Special Package

4. Q: Does subscription for one cover for another Legal Retainer?

A: No, subscription for any of our legal retainer is restricted to the type of retainer paid for. For example, you cannot subscribe for a Private (Nuclear) Legal Retainer Plan and want it extended to more family members, it only covers for you and extra 3 people.

  • So, no retainer can be substituted nor exchanged for the other!

5. Q: What is the major difference between a Private and a Business Legal Retainer Plan?

A: A Private or Family Retainer is for one’s personal affairs e.g. writing of Will, legal guidance in personal transactions etc. other than for business or commercial transactions.

While a Business Legal Retainer is for legal support, guidance and advisory services for your business activities and transactions.

6. Q: Can a Private Legal Retainer work for my business?

A: No please, Legal services will be rendered strictly and solely based on the type of retainer subscribed for.

7. Q: Can a Private Legal Retainer work for my business?

A: No please, Legal services will be rendered strictly and solely based on the type of retainer subscribed for.

8. Q: Am I allowed to bring in more family members under a Family Legal Plan?

A: No you are not, Private Legal Retainer for a Nuclear family is different from, that for an Extended Family.

9. Q: Can I convert my monthly plan to yearly?

A: Yes you can convert your monthly retainer to yearly by paying for a year after the expiration of an ongoing monthly subscription.

10. Q: Will I still be entitled to Legal services if my retainer expires?

A: No please, you will not be entitled to further legal services upon the expiration of your Legal Retainer plans save you renew it.


  • But, as a Law Firm, we will always keep in touch!

11. Q: Does my retainer cover for payment with a third party?

A: No, it does not. It is strictly our law firm’s professional fees for retaining us for legal guidance, advisory services and consultation towards you, your family or business.

12. Q: Does Legal Retainer cover for law suits?

A: No, our Legal Retainer Services does not cover for any law suit of any kind if the need arises, you will be charged separately for any law suit, sued by you or against you.

13. Q: Do you have Retainer Plans for those living outside Nigeria?

A: Yes! We render Legal Services and also have Retainer Plans for foreign clients and Nigerians living outside Nigeria.

14. Q: For foreign clients, in what currency do you receive payment?

A: Depending on which country you reside in, we receive payments from foreign clients ONLY in foreign currency and we receive payment mostly in USD, but can also receive payment in EUR or GBP for your convenience

15. Q: For foreign clients what is your exchange rate?

A: Our exchange is calculated based on the Central Banks of Nigeria’s exchange rate.

16. Q: Can I have a look at your Legal Retainers Price list

A: Yes please!


(For those living in Nigeria)


(For those living outside Nigeria)

17. Q: Are your retainer fees negotiable?

A: Yes! They are slightly negotiable

18. Q: Is payment for Legal Retainer Refundable?

A: No, upon payment for our Legal Retainer and signing of the Retainer Agreement the sum paid is non-refundable.

19. Q: Why must I fill the Legal Retainer form first?

A: This is to enable us understand the nature of your business, get all the information we need to further cement our relationship and to be able to recommend the best type of Legal Retainer Plan most suitable for you or your Business.

20. Q: At what point does the retainer date start running?

A: Payment for retainer starts running upon our confirmation of receipt of payment.

21. Q: How are disputes resolved during retainer?

A: We try as much as possible to avoid disputes with our retained clients, because our focus is to help you avoid or fix problems, and not for them to create any for themselves. However, where and if any dispute arises; our goal is to try as much as possible to settle it amicable. The procedure for amiable settle is detailed in the Retainer Agreement.

22. Q: Is it possible to view your Legal Retainer Agreement ahead of payment?

A: Yes please, after going through our Legal Retainer Brochure, you will then fill our Retainer Form, we recommend the best type of Legal Retainer must suitable for you or your Business and then issue an Invoice for payment, send it to you with a sample draft of the Retainer Agreement. When both parties have agreed to the Terms and Conditions, before payment and execution (signing) of the Legal Retainer Agreement.

  • However, kindly note that editing will not commence save and until the proposed client makes payment for the retainer.

23. Q: What are my benefits for subscribing?

A: Benefits of Legal Retainer with us are as follows;

  • Weekly Newsletters
  • Free Consultations
  • Discounted Professional Fees
  • Preferential treatment,
  • Simple contracts review,
  • Simple legal drafts,
  • Advisory services,
  • Ensuring legal compliance,
  • Legal guidance in transactions
  • Notification of trending laws, policies and how it affects you, your family or business

24. Q: What happens if something goes wrong during the retainer?

A: We will try our best to resolve it as long as the client comply with our directives and guidance.

25. Q: Does the Client and Firm take any liability during the Retainer period?

A: No, as long as the client reveals all information without concealing anything or facts and abide by our guidance and counselling, in the absence of this, the client maybe liable where his/her actions or inactions will cause injustice to the Law Firm.

26. Q: How am I be sure your Law Firm will not reveal my personal issues or trade secrets to a third party?

A: With a Legal Retainer Agreement with us, you will be automatically protected under Attorney-Client’s privilege which prevents us from discussing your personal issues or trade secrets with a third party or anybody at that.

27. Q: Do you have Retainer Plans for foreign Clients?

A: Yes, our Legal Retainer Plans covers for Nigerians (living in Nigeria) and for Foreign clients (i.e. those living outside Nigeria)

28. Q: Are there other things I need to know about the Legal Retainer?

A: Yes, please for further clarification see our Legal Retainer Brochure for more details.

29. Q: If I have more questions, how can I ask them?

A: You can book a clarity session strictly to discuss any ambiguity or further questions you may have about our Legal Retainer